

Maria Nastac - Președinte ECOM - Cercetător principal I

Ticuța Negreanu - Vicepreședinte ECOM - Conferențiar dr.

Bogdan Negreanu - Membru ECOM - Șef lucrări dr.

Karina Gheorghiu - Membru ECOM - Inginer

Alina Resteanu - Membru ECOM - Avocat

Raluca Vătafu - Membru ECOM - Economist

Mărioara Godeanu - Membru de onoare - Academician

Floarea Damaschin - Membru ECOM - Profesor dr.

Vasile Sîrbu - Membru ECOM - Profesor dr.

Aurelia Meghea - Membru ECOM - Profesor emerit dr.

Mariana Arcuș - Membru ECOM - Conferențiar dr.

Andreea Baltă - Membru ECOM - Economist

Mihaela Condur - Membru ECOM - Asistent cercetare

Daniela Ivan - Membru ECOM

Constantin Stavrositu - Membru ECOM - Contabil șef

Dana Stavrositu - Membru ECOM - Profesor liceu



About ECOM Association


It’s an association- professional-science organization, non-profit, with legal personality, operating in accordance with the Romanian legislation and with its own status.

The purpose and the mission of the association is to promote the change in the economic operators mentality, state and public administration, civil society, in the direction of realizing a healthy way of life in a friendly environment.

We sustain the use of medical concepts, materials and technologies that respect the need of health in the interest of the human being. We militate for a holistic approach to the couple "man-environment".




Our objectives are oriented towards promoting and supporting the scientific activities of Research-Development-Innovation in medicine, industry and agriculture as a friendly alternative, non- harmful to humans and the environment.
Organization and devellopment of stable and efficient intern and international partnerships its one of our main goals.
At the same time the dissemination of information/ knowledge about the concepts, methods, technologies participate/ contributes to creating products: medical, ecological, healthy, eco esthetic, stable, easy to maintain and non-harmful for the environment.
Another important objective is the organization of training courses on all levels necessary to fulfill the purpose and objectives of the association.
Editing a journal of the association and promoting cultural-artistic activities is another ongoing objective; also setting up a training and continuous improvement center for all ages (PROAGE) related to a long and healthy life (Life Long Learning).
Our association has full organizational autonomy, functional and accounts; and collaborates with various institutions and companies from the country and abroad.



Cercetători constănțeni premiați la salonul de la Nurenberg

medalEchipa de cercetători din ECOM Constanța medaliată la “Salonul Internaţional Idei - Invenţii – Noi Produse – iENA 2012” pentru brevetul de inventie cu titlu “BIOCOMPOZIT FERTILIZATOR ECOLOGIC SI PROCEDEU DE OBȚINERE A ACESTUIA“


Întâlnire cu ambasadorul Norvegiei

Stimati colaboratori,

Marti, 30 noiembrie 2010, ora 12.00, dl. Øystein Hovdkinn, ambasadorul Norvegiei in Romania va veni la Constanta. Dl Ambasador va participa la prezentarea unui proiect desfasurat sub coordonarea Asociatiei ECOM si finantat de statul norvegian, proiect care vizeaza valorificarea namolului rezidual rezultat la statiile de tratare a apelor si a biomasei marine de pe coasta Marii Negre pentru realizarea unui compozit biosolid inovativ ca fertilizator agricol, 100% ecologic.


Wastewater treatment sludge and marine biomass from Romanian Black Sea Coast as innovative bio solid composite

Ecom Constanta in parteneriat cu NIVA -Norvegia, Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta si Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, organizeaza conferinta de presa a proiectului cu titlul “Wastewater treatment sludge and marine biomass from Romanian Black Sea Coast as innovative bio solid composite”, finantat prin Programul de Cooperare Romano-Norvegian.
Conferinta va avea loc in data de 26.04.2010, la ora 12.00, in Sala de conferinte a Millenium Business Centre, situat in Constanta, Bdul. Mamaia, nr. 135-137